WordPress > Security

1 minute read

How to disable WordPress xml-rpc in cPanel

To stop xml-rpc from your cPanel you need to do following steps.

Step 1: Login to your cPanel.

Step 2: Scroll down to the Files section then click on “File Manager”.

File Manager in cpanel

Step 3: Click on “public_html” folder at the left side bar. A list of files and folder will be open.

Step 4: Navigate to htaccess file from the list of files & folders and then click on “Edit” button at top navigation bar.

Edit htaccess file in cpanel

Step 5: Now a text editor will open. Click on “Edit” button in text editor as shown in the screenshot.
Press Edit button in Text Editor

Step 6: After that you need to enter the following code at the last in the htaccess file to stop xml_rpc permanently:

<Files “xmlrpc.php”>
Order Allow,Deny
deny from all

disable wordpress xmlrpc requests in htaccess file

Step 7: Now click on “Save” button at the top right side then click on “Close” button.

Save htaccess file in cpanel