WordPress > WooCommerce

6 minute read

How to setup your online store using WooCommerce

Most of the websites are running are developed using a WordPress as it is easy to use for a beginner and due to the availability of vast tools to customize website.

If you are thing about starting a online store website then you are at right place. In this article I will explain you all the steps with which you can easily create your online store website.

How to Start an Online Sore with WordPress

Moreover I also recommend you to create your online store website with you can easily create and manage it in a minutes.

So let’s start how.

To create an online store website using WordPress you need to follow the below mentioned steps.

Steps to create online Store with WordPress:

Now I am describing these all steps so that you can create on online store easily. You can follow these steps one by one as described below.

Step 1) Buy Domain name and a hosting plan.

For an online store or to start a shopping website you need two things as described below:

Domain Name: Domain name is just a name of website. You can register your domain name as per your requirement.
For example: If you want to start a shopping website in Nigeria then you can register yourbrandname.ng or yourbrandname.com.ng.

Web Hosting Plan: Web hosting plan is a space in server where you will upload your website. Whenever your visitor will type your domain name in their browser then your website will load from that server.

You can buy web hosting plan as per your requirements from our web hosting page.

Step 2) Install WordPress on your hosting account.

Once your domain and hosting is active with us, you need to install WordPress on your hosting account. It may sound difficult but actually WordPress is very easy to use for a beginner.

We have 1-click installation on all our hosting plans. You can install WordPress, using softaculous 1-click installer in cPanel.

You can take help from our detailed step by step with screenshots WordPress Installation guide.

How to Install WordPress

If you will still unable to install WordPress yourself, then do let us know we will install WordPress for you.

Step 3) Install WooCommerce Plugin

After the installation of WordPress all you need to quickly installing a WooCommerce plugin to set up an online store using WordPress.

All you need to navigate to Plugins > Add New in the left side of the navigation bar of WordPress Admin Panel.

After that you need to search the WooCommerce plugin in the plugin search box and hit Install button.

Install WooComerce Plugin

Once done with installation the plugin you need to activate your installed plugin to proceed further in the settings up your online store website.

Activate WooComerce Plugin

If you are facing any issue while installing plugin then you can also take help from your step by step guide.

How to install plugin in WordPress Admin panel

Step 4) Create necessary pages for your store

Generally first step of website is to create pages to navigate and categorized the various function of website. But an online store website does not require many pages. All you need to create some necessary pages for your website as described below:

1) STORE: All your store’s products will be displayed on this page. You need to create this page with an attractive design which will attract all your visitors and encourage them to buy products from your website.

2) CART: This is a page where your visitor can add more products and review their order before proceeding to final checkout.

3) Checkout: Checkout mean paying the invoice of whatever customer is buying from your online store. So this page will accept the payment of your sold products.

4) Account: Account page is a page where your visitors can check their activities like placed order, delivered order after login to their account.

You can easily create and configures these pages while settings up the Wocommerece plugin & can also configure after the installation of the plugin.

For configuring these pages all you need to navigate to Wocommerece > Settings in the left side of navigation bar of WordPress Admin Panel as shown in the below screeshot.

Step 5) Setup and Online Store Website

a) Setup Store:

Now you need to setup your online store. Settings up or configuring your online store will define your business kind, accepted curreny, etc.

While settings up the WooCommerce plugin you need to enter some of the details like your store based, address and currency as shown in the below screenshot.

Once done with entering these details as shown in the below screen, you need to click on the Continue button.

Store Setup in Woocommerce

b) Payment:

You will be redirected to now new page where you need to configure your payment gateway.

Generally paypal payment gateway is already set as default which you need to configure now.

You can also configure you’re your own payment gateway or you can configure other third party gateway for collecting payment from your clients.

Normally payment can be accepted using 2 methods in online store i.e via debit or credit card or via bank transfer or bank deposit. You can configure these settings while configuring your payment gateway.

Configure Payment Page in Woocomerce

c) Shipping:
In this page you need to define your shipping charges within and outside your shipping zone.

You can define these shipping rates as per your requirement as shown in the below screenshot.

Configure Shipping settings in WooComerce

Step 6) Configure Taxes

Configuring taxes are the most important part of a business which cannot be ignored.

You will be excited to hear that WooCommerce plugin will also help you to configure your taxes.

To configure the taxes, you need to navigate to WooCommerce > Settings from the left side of navigation bar in WordPress Admin panel.

Now you need to select the Tax section and define your various tax options as per your preferred options.

Configure Taxes in WooComerce

If you are now much aware of these taxes then you can also take help from your accountant.

Step 7) Add your products in your online store

You can now start adding your various products on your online store website via your WordPress admin panel.

For adding a new product you need to navigate to Products > Add New from the left side of a navigation bar.

Add New Produts

Now you will be redirected to Add new product page where you need to enter all the details of your product as shown below:

1) Product Name: You need to enter the product name here.

2) Description: You need to type the description of your product which will help the buyer to know more and exact about the product.

Enter Product Description

3) Product Data: Here you need to type of your product and need to some configure various fields or factors as described below:

General: You need to enter your rate and configure the taxes on the product which you are going to add.

Inventory: This feature allow you to manage your stock which means you can able to know the figure of your sold and available numbers of product.

Shipping: In this field weight and dimensions of products are configured.

Linked Products: You can link various upsells and cross sells products that you want to link with this product.

Attributes: You can set various products of same categories with different colors.

Advanced: Some additional settings can be done in this section.

4) Product Short Description:

In this section you need to upload the images of your product and can enter the short description of your product.

Enter Product Data

Step 8) Once done with all these settings you need to click on Publish button from the right side of the navigation bar.

Congratulations! Your online store website has been published and I hope you have successfully posted your first product with help of this step by step guide.

Publish Product


We hope this article helped you a lot to create an online store website and also helped you to publish your first product.

You can also read our other tutorial also on how to optimize a WordPress website.

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Thanks for reading this article and giving your valuable time.