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How to add affiliate banners and links on WordPress website

Advertisement or the promotion of products and services on internet is the essential part of marketing. While browsing the Internet you can see many advertisements which can be an affiliate banner or custom banner of any product or service.

These affiliate banner or advertisement work to redirect the traffic to another website or to make a purchase of that particular product.

How to add Affiliate Link to WordPress Website

Most of the providers will provide the affiliate link that you can add in your website. In this tutorial I will explain you how you can add the affiliate link on your WordPress website.

Generally web-master want to add the affiliate banner in between the content of their or they want to add it somewhere else on website.

So I will explain all the methods with the help of which you can easily add your affiliate banner anywhere in your website easily be following the steps mention on this article.

If you are new user of DomainKing.NG and still not join our affiliate program then you can easily join our affiliate program by following the steps mention in our guide.

You can join our affiliate program whether you are our customer or not. So it is not mandatory to become a customer before joining our affiliate program. It means anyone on Internet can join our affiliate program and start earning.

First of all let me start and explain you how you can get your affiliate or referral link to display on your website.

How to get DomainKing.NG Affiliate Link

 Once done with joining our affiliate program, you can easily get the affiliate link by following the below mentioned steps:

Step 1) First of all login to DomainKing.NG Client Panel.

Step 2) Now you need to click on Affiliates form the top of the navigation bar.

Click on Affiliate in Client Panel

Step 3) After clicking on the Affiliates, you will be redirected to a page where you can check your affiliate details. Here you need to scroll down to Link to us section.

Link to us section

Step 4) In Link to us section a different affiliate banner with different size is showing on your screen. Now you can copy the affiliate link in HTML format of desired banner .

Copy the Affiliate link

You can now paste this HTML affiliate banner on your website to display advertisement banner on your website.

Now let me explain you all the steps that required to add an affiliate link on your WordPress website.

Steps to Add Affiliate banner on WordPress website:

 Generally a webmaster can drop affiliate link anywhere he want on his website. After getting the affiliate banner or affiliate link, now you will decide where you want to put or drop the affiliate link on your website as instructed below:

Now let me explain these all above methods in detailed steps so that you can easily add your affiliate link or banner anywhere on your website.

How to add affiliate link in the post or page

 If you want to add the affiliate banner in the post or on the page of your WordPress website then you need to paste the HTML link of your affiliate in the content of your post . You can do it by following the under mentioned steps:

Step 1) Login to your WordPress website

Step 2) Now you need to navigate to Posts > All Posts from the left navigation bar.

Add post in WordPress

Step 3) Once the Posts page is opened you need to click on Edit to add affiliate link as shown in below screenshot.

Edit Post in WordPress

Step 4) In text editor mode, you can paste your affiliate link in the content where you want to display the affiliate banner in the content of your website.

Paste Affiliate Link in WordPress Post

Now the affiliate banner is successfully added in the content of your website. You can check it by visiting the page of your website.

Affiliate Banner displaying on website

How to add affiliate link in the sidebar of website

 Step 1) Login to your WordPress Admin panel

Step 2) Navigate to Apperance > Widget from the left side of navigation bar.

Click on Widget in WordPress

Step 3) Now the Widgets page is displaying on the screen. You need to drag a text widget to appropriate area on the sidebar of your website.

Drag Text Widget in WordPress Sidebar

Step 4) Once the Text Widget is added in your side bar, you need to paste your affiliate link in the text editor as shown in the below screen-shot.

Note: Entering the Title is optional. You can also leave it blank.

Sidebar Title

Step 5) Now you need to click on Save button to save the changes.

Click on Save button

Affiliate banner or affiliate link is added in the side bar of your website. You can now visit your website to check the added affiliate link.

How to add affiliate link in the header or footer of website

 Step 1) Login to your WordPress Admin panel.

Step 2) Now you need to navigate to Appearance > Editor from the left side of the navigation bar.

Click on Editor in WordPress

Step 3) After clicking on the Editor, a Edit Themes page is displaying where you need to click on the header.php or footer.php. You need to edit these files to add your affiliate link or banner.

Edit header.php and footer.php file in WordPress

Step 4) Now search the below code and paste your affiliate link just below the code as shown in the below screenshot.

<body <?php body_class(); ?>>

Note: You need to move your affiliate code up or down where you want to display the affiliate banner on the header or footer of your website.

You can also add some more tag to customize your banner or to align the banner on your website.

Paste Affiliate Link in Header.php file

Step 5) Once done with editing the file and pasting your affiliate link or banner you need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Upload File button.

Click on Upload File button

After clicking on the update File button all the changes has been made. You can now check your website after clearing cache and cookies of your browser.

How to use plugins to show affiliate banner of your website

 You can also add the affiliate banner by using the plugin. If you want to display affiliate banner more than 1 place and need more functionality then you can do it by installing the plugin.

There are lots of plugins that can display affiliate banner with more control on your website.

You can install your desired plugin from WordPress library. We recommend you to check the rating and review of the plugin that you want to install on your website.

If you don’t know how to install plugin in wordpress then you can take help from your guide.


I hope you have successfully add the affiliate banner or affiliate link on your WordPress website by following the steps mentioned in this tutorial.

If you want any custom banner for your website then you can contact our support team by raising a support ticket or at live chat support on our website.

You can use any method to add affiliate banner which will redirect more traffic from your website so that you can earn your commission on significant sale.

At last, thanks for giving your valuable time to read and follow the steps mention in this article. If you have any doubts regarding affiliate commission or something else then feel free to contact us.