Hosting > cPanel

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How to create more FTP accounts in cPanel

FTP Account is used for uploading and managing files/content on your website. If you have ordered and paid for hosting and you have an active hosting plan, a FTP account will automatically be created in your cPanel. So if you are adding an addon domain or subdomain in your cPanel then you can also create a anonymous FTP account for every addon domain or the parent domain.

In case you want to give access to other users without giving them your cPanel login details then these FTP accounts are useful and they can upload content on your account using those FTP accounts. For each FTP account that you will create, you can also set different levels of access by assigning the user to a specific directory.

So to know about how to create these additional FTP accounts in your cPanel you can use the below mentioned steps:

Step 1) Login to your cPanel.

Step 2) Scroll down to Files section and click on “FTP Accounts” icon.

FTP Accounts icon in cpanel

Step 3) There are different fields which you need to fill to complete the process:

Login: Please enter a user name which will always be in format as

Password: Please Enter the password for your FTP account. You can also use Password Generator for setting a strong password.

Password Again: Confirm your password again.

Directory: Directory field will by default generate path for user to access and upload content but that is normally incorrect. So, you are requested to delete the directory name after public_html/ and enter the directory you would like the user to access.
Note: In case if you will delete everything and type a single ” / “, in directory field, then the user will have access to your home directory

Quota: By setting the quota limit you can restrict the FTP user to use your disk size upto that defined size. If you leave the quota as unlimited, the FTP user will be able to use the total amount of disk space of your hosting account.

Add FTP Accounts in cPanel

Step 4) Click on “Create FTP Account” button.

Create FTP Account in cpanel

Congratulations! Now your FTP account has been created. You can use this account for uploading and managing your website’s files through FTP client like Filezilla.